Welcome to the Society of the Faith

The Revd Charles Douglas

In 1905 two brothers, Charles and John Douglas – both priests – established The Society of the Faith-

The Revd Canon John Douglas

“To be an Association of Christians in communion with the See of Canterbury for mutual assistance in the work of Christ’s Church and for the furtherance of such charitable undertakings as may be from time to time decided upon, more especially for the popularisation of the Catholic Faith.”

Between then and the mid-1970s, the main activities of the Society revolved around Faith Press, which published getting on for 7,000 books promoting and popularising the Anglo-Catholic faith, together with a great deal of church music, and also Faith Craft which produced many different works for the beautification of  worship. Faith Craft Reredos

In the 21st Century, as well as maintaining an interest in the Society’s history we look to sustain and promote Anglo-Catholic faith in the Church of England, as shown by the publications we support and our recent Symposium on Catholicity.

We also give grants to projects which we consider further our charitable aims, manage the Liddon Trust (which gives grants to young people for advanced theological study) and the Hoare Trust, which grant-aids the conservation and provision of ecclesiastical needlework.

In this website you can find out more about the historic work of Faith Craft, Faith Press and our more recent activities.

As a Society we have worked hard to tread a middle path between various controversies in the Church of England. We welcome those in communion with the See of Canterbury and who wish to popularise the Catholic Faith.

For more information about recent activities see the Latest News tab above.

The Society is administered by trustees, known as the Court of Fellows, assisted by the Secretary and Treasurer.

You can find our privacy notice, telling you how we manage your personal data here.